Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question for the ROVER Ready Community? You can ask your questions and share your experiences on the Rover Users Group LinkedIn page.


Want to try out ROVER?

Try out ROVER on our testbed. Go to, login as admin, username rover.

Trouble installing RedROVER?

Open your file explorer and navigate to wherever you have the installation file redrover-hazus-1.1.exe. Right-click on the file. Click “run as administrator.” That might solve the problem.

Default Username and Password

I just installed the server. What is the user name and password?

The default administrator user name and password are listed in the User Manual; as of this writing they are admin, rover.

ROVER Ready and Smartphones

The software operates on Android, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, or any web-connected device with a browser.

Login trouble

I’ve installed the ROVER Server and it is running on my computer. I see the login screen in my web browser, but my account and/or password do not allow me to login, What is wrong?

The username and account that you created on this website in order to download the ROVER software is not your account for logging into the ROVER Server. For that you need to setup new accounts via the ROVER Server itself. The default username for ROVER is “admin” and the default password is “rover”. Please, please, please change this as soon as you first login. Please, we are begging you.


We're on LinkedIn!

Join us in the LinkedIn ROVER Users Group.


Over 1,500 people have acquired the ROVER software from here or the FEMA warehouse!

Learn More!

Learn more about ROVER and get ROVER ready using this document.