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ROVER is "So much easier to use in a quick and effective way" than the paper-based approach.

ROVER is "So much easier to use in a quick and effective way" than the paper-based approach. from Keith Porter on Vimeo.

Glen Palmer of SEAU tested ROVER in Salt Lake City UT over 2 days in 2010. he says, ""I've been very impressed with the flexibility and benefit of the electronic data gathering." He mentions the following benefits:

* Flexible
* Collection of the data and its availability for later use
* Easy to store, easy to access,
* Quick and effective compared with paper forms

"For structural engineers, [ROVER is] ... the single greatest advancement in the use of smartphones that I can think of."

ROVER is integrated with HAZUS and ShakeCast

Why should a city or other building owner in earthquake country compile a building inventory?

Why use a smartphone to gather FEMA 154 and ATC-20 data?

Import an existing database into ROVER


Los Angeles Unified School District and ROVER


A Statement by Bob Spears,
Director of Emergency Services Los Angeles Unified School District
18 August 2009

The Los Angeles Unified School District has over 14,000 buildings. After any seismic event it will be a Herculean task to inspect and clear all these structures for the safe occupancy of children. After the Northridge earthquake the District was closed for a week and many repair costs were never reimbursed by FEMA because the District did not capture sufficient evidence of specific damage. ROVER, in conjunction with ShakeCast, will allow us to expedite the triage of structures and get students back to school. It will also help us document the damage and quickly record our assessments. During the last test, teams of LAUSD inspectors were able to assess and document building damage quickly and efficiently using ROVER. We want to expand our ROVER teams and make them part of our annual District-wide earthquake drill. It is a very valuable tool.

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Over 1,500 people have acquired the ROVER software from here or the FEMA warehouse!

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